The assignment I submitted for the Photoshop element of my Professional Diploma in Graphic Design. The brief was to create a movie poster from composite images and so I used a combination of photos taken on hockey ski trips and a number of stock images. It was a lot of fun to put together!
The Brief
Your challenge is to create your own composite movie poster using only Photoshop. This can be your choice of subject matter or you can choose the default Gravity version supplied (I chose to use my own material, drawing from hockey ski trips and stock photos)
The Result: Distinction
I was delighted to receive the following feedback:
All steps of the design process were professionally followed and clearly and correctly identifiable - well done.
You have demonstrated excellent knowledge and understanding of photoshop. Your use of the layer panel, adjustment layers, blend modes and effect shows that you are highly proficient and can deliver a strong original creative piece.
 Great job!
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